RTO Code: 52359
CRICOS Provider Code 04298M

Tailor Your Career Path

Student Information


Innovative and Quality Training

AICE aim to deliver high quality, innovative and engaging training that is relevant to our students, employers and industry. Our commitment to continuous improvement means we are constantly developing and improving new resources, processes and facilitation methods to remain ahead in technology and industry standards.

AICE is committed to providing quality training and assessment services to its learners. 

We aim to:
  • Provide training and assessment services that meet industry needs and trends;
  • Deliver high quality, innovative and engaging training; Maintain a person-centred approach;
  • Foster relationships with our students, supporting them through their career;
  • Provide flexible learning opportunities; Provide a supportive, facilitative and open learning environment;
  • Ensure all training is delivered by qualified trainer and assessors with the necessary skills and experience;
  • Ensure all training is continually monitored and improved;
  • Maintain a healthy and effective learning environment for students;
  • Produce competent and confident workers that benefit the community and industry.

Student Information

To enrol in a training program simply do so via our website or contact the administration team on 08 6373 2425 or email info@aice5.wpenginepowered.com and we will send out an enrolment form/link and the relevant course information. You will be required to declare you have read and understood the relevant course information and Student Handbook as part of the enrolment process. Enrolments must be received no later than 24 hours prior to the course commencement.  Enrolments will be considered tentative until payment has been received. Prior to confirming your enrolment we will carry out a pre-course meeting with you to discuss:
  • The course in detail, including your responsibilities and answer any questions you may have.
  • Your previous experience, training and qualifications etc.
  • The fees that are applicable.
  • The requirement and process for completing a language literacy numeracy test to determine your learning needs.
  • If the course you are enrolling into requires you to obtain a police/working with children check or other licences as part of the work placement.
  • Your eligibility for RPL, RCC or Credit, which could reduce or extend the duration of completion and to ensure it is the right course for you.

Course fees can be paid by:

  • The AICE website online through EWay.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
  • *Direct debit through BizCore

Flexible payment arrangements are available based on individual circumstances and will be assessed and discussed at the time of application.

AICE acknowledges that students on occasions may incur financial stress and hardship. Students having difficulty should contact the AICE training team as soon as possible so that suitable arrangements can be made.

* Direct debit payment arrangements are subject to approval and conditions apply.

Please speak to one of our friendly team about your fee and payment options. For all our terms, conditions and full fee and course information please download and view the Student Handbook.

A USI – Unique Student Identifier is a reference number that creates an online record of your training and qualifications attained in Australia.

If you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training, you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment.

A USI is for life! You only have to create it once

The USI will give you access to an online record of your nationally recognised training in the form of a USI Transcript. This can be used when applying for a job, seeking a credit transfer or demonstrating pre-requisites when undertaking further training.


Creating a Unique Student Identifier (USI) will only take a few minutes and it is free. You only need to create a USI once and it will stay with you for life. After you create your USI, you then need to give it to each training provider you train with when you enrol.

To create your USI visit https://www.usi.gov.au 

When you enrol with AICE you will either create or be provided with a user account including username and password to the Student Portal.

The Student Portal enables users to have access to and manage their own personal profiles. Students can see their enrolments, invoices, online courses, results, reports, documents and leave feedback.

AICE utilises a variety of assessment tools to assess students. These include, but are not limited to;
  • Knowledge Test (KT)
  • Skills Test (ST)
  • Project (PT)
  • Work placement Task
  • Workplace Observation
Additional methods of assessment may also be used where a student’s experience or previous studies, or some combination of these, relate to their selected course. These methods of recognition include;
  • Recognition of prior learning (RPL);
  • Credit transfer (CT).
All students have the opportunity to apply for recognition. This means that you may not have to attend all or any training as you may already possess the skills and knowledge required. If you think you have the necessary skills, knowledge and/or certification documents to be eligible for recognition of prior learning or credit transfer contact us on 08 6373 2425 or email info@aice5.wpenginepowered.com.
The Australian Institute of Career Education (AICE) makes every attempt to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the information contained on this website. However, it cannot guarantee that it is accurate or of high quality. Without any stated or implied warranties, this information is supplied “As is, As Available” within the AICE website. Any information provided and stored on this website is subject to change at any time by the Australian Institute of Career Education (AICE) without prior notification. By using this website and any information or materials made available through it, you agree to assume all risks and responsibilities. All images used on this website are for illustration purposes only.

Student Handbook

Student Handbook Pic2

Please download here

Full Student Handbook in downloadable PDF format